Cracking the code
Created by Liana 12 years ago
Ok, so sometimes it was hard to take a good photo of my Baba. A photo that would be really good, one to keep, to print, to share etc. But my Baba is stubborn and determined. And she could be a light-hearted pain when it came to getting good shots... until Mum cracked the code. Mum found the magic key, make that, password actually.
How would you make a sweet ol’ gran like mine, smile when having her picture taken? There’s a clue in this previous sentence. See it? Think about it... sweet; grandma; smile. MY grandma... she’s downright cheeky! My Mum had a good teacher – some topics are unacceptable at the dinner table, some topics are unacceptable... almost always! But no, not for my Baba and her daughter... Red faces, awkward moments, yeah, my Mum learnt her lessons from her Mum (that’s where it stops people!).
Magic word, one little 3-letter password, downright cheeky and shocking. Look at the photos... you can see her cracking, trying to hold a straight face but loosing! Mum was saying the code over and over... Any guesses? Give in? Nah, I wouldn’t have guessed it either...
...not quite...